The Boot Stomping on the Face of the Poor

We live in a world where many things are taken for granted, electricity, water, gas, hell even the fucking internet is taken for granted at this point.

We forget that there was once a time where we as a society did not have access to these amenities, and yet when we did, we allowed ourselves to hand them over to the upper classes. Why?

Because since time began, as weird as it may sound, the British have been used to someone with more capital, or influence, or power than them, stomping on their face. These so-called leftists in the Labour Party do not represent a change in tact nor policy.

This is evident through the death of old labour in 1997 when Tony Blair rose to power, since they they have strove to essentially say:

We’re sorry, and we empathize with you, do not worry, we are actively trying to make the boot softer.

Making the boot softer is all well and good, but the boots still there, stamping on your face. There will come a time when we as a society must stand up to the massive leg and its boot, and take the boot off of them. That time may come soon, especially in America where the same arguments that I have applied to Britain apply in full, except substitute Labour for the Democrats.

Are we as a society ready to fight back against the boot?


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